Friskney Bowmen Archery Field Rules
Archery is a safe and enjoyable sport for all the family. However, bows used carelessly can cause serious harm. Bows (including the fiberglass bow kits) are not toys. A straightforward, common sense approach to safety should be adopted by all. However certain rules need to followed:-
- Under 16years must always be accompanied by an adult or guardian on our Archery Field.
- Parent /Guardian – Serious injury may occur if you do not properly supervise your children.
- The responsibility for the care of the child will remain the parent/guardian’s duty at all times.
- Any person’s actions that are deemed unsafe by a committee member or the coaching team will be asked to leave the field immediately.
- Only current Friskney Bowmen members can shoot on this field on non-club days/nights.
- Only current Archery GB members may shoot their own equipment on this field
- Anyone shooting on this field that aren’t members at any time other than a club night or an organised event will be prosecuted.
- Crossbows cannot be shot unless they have been authorised by a committee member, and the bow meets all the necessary requirements.
- Please ensure before shooting you are aware of how targets are set up, and where the shooting lines are. This is for your safety and all other archers.
- Each archer has a duty of care, to ensure that his/her actions do not compromise the safety of himself/herself or others.
- Please note no open toe shoes are to be worn on the archery field.
- No running is allowed during practice.
- If pet dogs are brought to the field they must always be kept on a lead and never walked near the targets.
Failure to following these rules may result in cancelling of membership or prosecution.