These rules apply to club evenings and general use at any other times.

If members are found not to be following these rules, this may lead to their membership being revoked and being banned from the field.

  • Archers who have been diagnosed with COVID-19 should not attend a club evening or use the field.
  • Archers with COVID-19 symptoms or self-isolating (as detailed in the government guidelines) should not attend a club evening or the field.
  • One Household/Bubble per target.
  • Archers ONLY (Except for Parents/Guardians)
  • All archers and spectators/guardians should maintain a 2-metre social distance from each other.
  • Targets to placed 2 metres apart (2 Metres Edge to Edge).
  • Target faces will be issued to each archer (£2 Fee), these will need to be taken home at the end of the evening. (These should be reused by the archer the next time they shoot).
  • Only one person in the club hut at once. Anyone using the hut facilities should clean them before and after use. (Cleaning products will be supplied).
  • Archers to only touch or use their own equipment, except for Target Bosses
  • Archers should only collect their own arrows.
  • Archers to use the hand sanitiser and wipes provided.
  • Archers should put their own target boss out and away themselves. Remembering to sanitise before and after they have used any shared club equipment (trolley).

These rules will be reviewed periodically in line with the current government guidelines. Thank you and safe shooting.