Beginners Course
Our Archery beginner courses run at your pace and time. We don’t run set courses and our courses can be started at any time
The beginner’s archery courses are open to everyone. Courses are suitable for people of all ages from 6 years old. Note that children under the age of 16 must be accompanied to each session by a parent, guardian or other responsible adult. Please also note that we must be informed in advance of any medical condition or medication being taken
Session Times
Our club nights start at 6:30pm and roughly finish around 9:00pm. The course consists of 6 one hour sessions with our Archery Qualified Coaches, however you can shoot for the remainder of the evening for free. This allows you to put into practice what you have just learnt. Some Students elect to attend club nights in between sessions to have additional practice. These nights are charged at the have a go rate. Sessions can be taken at your pace, (one session per week maximum) however you will need to complete all six before completing the course
Session are normally run on our club nights on a Thursday and Friday evenings. However, if you need an alternative day and time please speak to one of our coaches who may be able to arrange an alternative session date.
Equipment hire
You do not need your own equipment. We will supply you with all the safety equipment along with bows to match each student.
You are strongly advised not to purchase archery equipment before you have attended a course.
Our courses are held at our Archery field in the summer and Leverton Leisure Center in Winter.
The Cost
£60.00 for adults and £40.00 for juniors (under16).
Alternative if you just want to try archery before starting a beginners course you can come along to one of our club nights and have a go for a small fee.
The Course
The course will teach you the basics of shooting safely, and include 6 sessions of tuition from one of our qualified archery GB coaches. You will learn the basic techniques of shooting and scoring and be able to shoot arrows into a target at 20 yards’. Archers will learn: –
- Set up and take down a recurve bow
- Types of Bows and their components
- Archers equipment finger tab, guards etc.
- Adopt an appropriate stance for shooting
- Nock an arrow onto a string correctly
- Correct body posture
- Execute a basic draw and release
- Pull arrows from a target safely and correctly
- Rules of shooting safely and club Rules
- Adjust a bow sight to compensate for shooting distance and sideways drift
- Safely setup the clubs Target bosses
After completing the course coaches will be available most club nights to help further your archery development.